Here I am for my second posting. My daughter Beth has walked me through the settings and choices of colors, etc to try to make this look "pretty. Let me know what you think about my color choices and if it is easy to read. My goal is to post images of my created cards on here and maybe a photo or two from time-to-time. It is really hard inching my way into this technical area but I am trying. Maybe I can keep the gray matter functioning a little longer by trying something new. Even old clowns can learn new tricks! : ) (And if you are wondering...Yes, that is me in the clown suit!)
You're doing great, Mom - keep it up!
Hi Martha! I check out your blog regularily waiting for another post and I hope you will be doing more in the future. I like what you've done with your blog, though the black is a little hard on the eyes! Mine are so old you see...
You make a wonderful clown, but then you make a wonderful friend also...
Love you...
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