This is my second attempt to write this post. My first attempt was lost when the arrow on the screen accidentally passed over something it should not have and I touched the pad and "POOF". All that remained was the title. So I went to "edit" and was writing my thoughts and the whole computer disconnected. My husbands computer also disconnected so it might have been a power surge or the cat stepping on the power button on the surge protector on the floor (That has happened before!). IT JUST HAPPENED AGAIN! OOPS! The recliner I am sitting in was resting on the power button and when I would move, it would partially turn off but then be on.!!! My Fault!
So what did I need to say about time, you ask?
I've been doing some reflecting today. Yesterday I sent an email out to everyone in my address book informing them of the change in my email address. We had duplicate services we were paying for and decided to drop one. As retirees, the funds stay the same and the expenses get higher. So we cut where we can. Anyway, I received a response from the gal in TX who keeps up with the former members of Morgan Avenue Baptist Church that I attended as a teen and in college. She had "lost" me the last three years and wanted to catch me up on news. One item was the passing of a man who had been the church audio/visual person for the last 50 years. He died in Nov of a heart attack in his small home that was "packed to the gills" with accumulated stuff. No one knew he had died and the police had to break into his home and found him. His ex-wife and step daughter had to make arrangements for his burial, had no information about insurance, accounts or any of his wishes for his accumulated wordly belongings. Herb Rehmus had a servant heart and tried to help people that came his way, especially young people. He gave my sister and me a ride to church for over 6months when we moved from in-town to out in a new subdivision because we didn't drive and our parents didn't go. He helped countless others with school projects, assisted in teaching his skills to kids, and was a mentor to many. For him to die alone with no one knowing, made me sad.
We don't get to choose how we go out of this world. Some go quickly and others have illnesses and consequences of their life choices that linger and linger and there is nothing left but a shell when they finally go. Some go out with joy, peace , thanksgiving and celebration. Those are the circumstances, but not the substance of life or death. For the unbeliever, they are alone because they do not have the presence of the one who created them. They fill up their time with whatever pleases them. So no matter how fast or slow death comes to them, they die alone rejecting the one who loves them and died so that they might be reconciled to Him. The believer has hope in God in that He promises to be with them through anything and everything. His Word in us is His presence in us and around us. So trusting in HIS WORD which is TRUTH in the midst of the circumstances of this world is all that is really important and lasting. The joy, peace, thanksgiving and celebration come from the Presence of God in our lives. HE is our source!
We only have this day. Yesterday is past and can't be changed, and tomorrow is an unknown or for some will never exist. What we do today is the only thing we can do anything about. We are commanded to share Gods love with others by showing God's love to others. We must ask Him for opportunities to serve others in love and use our time on earth for kingdom benefit.
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