Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Emma has been taking "mermaid" lessons. She is the blond in the green "pookadot" mermaid suit. I was priviledged to go to the YMCA and observe the class. I couldn't quite figure out why the boys are in the class unless they were taking the class so as to someday be able to "catch a mermaid".

Anyway, there was a lot of jumping while in the water and going under the water while holding onto the side of the pool (a few brazen mermaid wannabees even let go while they bobbed under the water and up again.) Their kicking styles were quite differentiated, some using both legs, some using one and some just not using their legs at all. They put on their floatation devices around their waists and leaped from the side into the waiting arms of their mermaid instructor. They all had a couple of tries using the foam bar bell-looking floats, first held in front of them and with them on their tummies kicking as they went across the little pool. Then they held it across their chest with them mimicking swimming on their backs. Most forgot to kick as this is not a normal "mermaid" activity! Since there were only two floats, they had to take turns. Those who were awaiting their turn, put their tummies on the pool edge with their feet in the water and practiced their mermaid kicks, which produced a lot of laughter and splashing of neighbors. But hey, mermaids just wanna have fun!

At the end of the class, they were given a treat...sliding down the water slide. Emma is still cautious about going down alone, but some of the other mermaid students were so cute as they would come out of the side into the 3 feet of water...some on their backs and head first, some backwards sitting up, and some in a perfect sitting position facing the direction they were sliding, and lastly some on their tummies spinning. The grins and loud giggles were coming from the parents who were watching their fledgling mermaid execute this difficult conclusion to the class. They all received certificates and graduated. If they truly want to "swim with the fishes" they need to sign up for the next class. I think I might too! It looked like a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Barb Hardeman said...

What a cutie! Glad you get to participate in some of the girls activities...