Why are corners so scary? We don't like to turn corners when driving, especially when we have to cross traffic to the left. At least we can see the traffic coming toward us and then we have to make a judgment call of having enough time to complete the turn before they get us. A green turn arrow helps but we still are at the mercy of the cars coming at us, their choice of speed and if they will change lanes in the intersection. We don't like to turn corners to the right because we can't see what or whom is coming most of the time or other traffic conditions. We have to be aware of pedestrians who want to cross, legally mind you, and some who cross illegally. We have to be on the watch for animals who decide to cross the street right where we need to go. We have to be aware of curbs and cutting the corner too short. How many curbs have you hit before?
I believe we have the same "feelings" about turning corners in the direction our lives are taking. It is fear of the unknown, a feeling of being out of our comfort zone and in untraveled territory, and it is very unsettling for the person who likes to keep things a certain way, and do things a certain way. We are not sure we can trust the people around us since they are often "unknowns" as to what they want and how they want it and when they want it! We are at their mercy. We often feel powerless and being in "NEW" places with "NEW" people puts us at a disadvantage and in an uncomfortable position.
Humanity likes to keep their lives the same, whether it be in poverty or in riches. We can deal with our circumstances when we know what to expect and can count on it. Many people of the world live in what we consider horrible circumstances with some one in power dictating everything they do. They have little and yet there is a certain comfort in having little. Many worries are booted out-the-door when we simplify our lives. For those who have much, their lives often are filled with activities and choices trying to maintain the level of abundance that they have, protecting their belongings, and often they seek more of the same. The "Quest to Get" becomes the driving force in what they do in their day.
As I am getting to the "winter of my years" and look back on how I chose to live my life thus far, I see patterns of trying to keep everything at a certain level, of trying to maintain the comfort zone established and of not being willing to change direction or turn corners unless I could see what was around the corner and knew for sure I would like what I saw. (WHEW! That is a long sentence but I can't figure out how to cut it and make it two, so it stands.)
I need to be more trusting of my God who CAN see around the corners and knows the plans He has for me and let go of control of my life and give it ALL to HIM for HIS purpose. I NEED to be in HIS will and in HIS word to make decisions pleasing to HIM. This is my reasonable service. And I need to talk to HIM more in prayer, and not just when things are in a mess. I need to look for places HE is already working and join HIM there. And I won't be afraid of corners, or changes or anything this world has to throw at me because I have HIM. HE is all I need!
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