Trite but helpful when you feel like progress is slow, changes are slow, and it is easy to lose one's patience for attaining visible results. Would that things happened as quickly and as we expect them to happen. Or would we have more regrets over "hasty" choices? I feel like I am juggling between that which I know I should do and that which I do. Sound familiar to anyone or is everyone else on track and not having these thoughts about their lives?
My Heart is filled with His joy because I know I can't, but He can! Changes will happen in His timing and in a way that will bring me the most happiness and satisfaction. He loves me (and each of us) unconditionally, without making me feel worthless and unable when I fall or fail or mess up. My eye is on Him because alone, I can't. So "do it to me Lord" and make me your vessel. You are the potter and I am the clay. Only you can create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit. I praise your name for who you are and give you the glory.
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