We all seek comfort...comfort in our bellies...comfort in our surroundings...comfort in our finances...comfort in our relationships, and so on.
AND the reverse side of that coin is that we don't like it when we are hungry, or too cold or hot, too cluttered or empty, have to struggle to get what we want, and have to work at relationships (getting along and having others we care about and who care about us.)
When our expectations are not met, our life is full of negatives and stress and we can not find the comfort we seek. What drives our expectations? Usually it is "self". "Self preservation" is strong in each of us. We WANT to survive, and at a level we think we deserve. What drives those self-determined levels of comfort we seek? What drives our expectations? What do we do when changes are forced upon us and our comfort is threatened or over-turned like an apple cart? What is our source, where we go to when life gives us circumstance after circumstance that we think of as "lemons"?
I have learned I am imperfect. I don't always say the right words or with the right tone of voice, and am not always considerate or sensitive to others needs. But I have learned when my life is not on track to go to the one who loves me and died to set me free...Jesus! The only way to the Father, the only one who is closer than a brother, the only one who loves me and forgives me. He alone is worthy of my allegiance and praise. In Him will I trust and believe. He never changes. His Word says to "Seek Him and we will find Him". So when my expectations are not met, when I am "swimming in lemons", I know it isn't about me. I can go to Him and He will satisfy and meet all my needs no matter what happens in my life.
"I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for your good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
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