Where did the years go? My first 12 years or so are almost non-existent in my recollections other than the images a photo prompts. The teen years and college spent in Corpus Christi also are "faint". My real memories started with my marriage and my life shared with Bill for the last 44 years. WOW! Where did 44 years go? We were so busy with job, and children and teaching and training them and giving them whatever advantages we could, and now they are 33 and 35 and making their own memories.
At this time in my life, I am caught somewhere between being a Christian, a wife, a daughter, a mother to adult children and a grandmother. Those roles are not incompatible but they all require time, and some days, there isn't enough time in the day to do a good job of all my roles. Some days I feel like I short some of them.
With health issues taking center stage, I have to get a balance in my life for whatever my remaining "years". I want to keep my Lord and Savior first. I want to honor my husband and make our last years together be the best. I will have to juggle the rest as I have time.
Today a little chickadee hit our large family room windows. I heard it whack the window hard and I looked on the walkway decking under the window to see what it was and if it was still there injured. The little bird lay still with one of it's wings oddly bent under it. I was sure it was dead, it was so still with its eyes shut. I prayed for that little bird asking God to fill that little body with His life-giving power. I continued to watch and after 5 min or so, it moved to a sitting position. I watched a little longer but needed to feed the cats and when I came back to the window to check, it had flown away. It was a moment of knowing God cares about His creation. He cares about us, and the stressful lives we choose to live. When we "whack into the window of life", He wants to heal us and fill us with His life giving power. He wants to give us His peace. We must slow down, we must listen for the still small voice within directing our path. With His peace, we don't have to fear the "years" and what they might bring because he is with us through it all. We can rest in Him.
Thank You heavenly Father for your provision each day, and for your unconditional love that we don't deserve which is given freely to all who seek you, who believe you, and who follow you.
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